Salon: 540-972-8810 Medspa: 540-755-2242 Text: 540-306-5633
4266 Germanna Hwy Suite 101 Locust Grove, VA 22508
Photo Facial
IPL -Intense Pulse Light, broad-spectrum light is harnessed to provide deep, penetrating energy that will transform your complexion and renew your spirits. In just a few short sessions, your skin will show remarkable improvement from superficial imperfections and everyday damage. The light therapy works on multiple layers of your skin, while simultaneously preserving and protecting the healthy cells. IPL photofacial is a great alternative for non-invasive skincare that produces dramatic, stunning results. Come visit Defy Medesthetics for an IPL photofacial!
The Best Foundation You Can Wear, is Glowing, Healthy Skin!
Who is a good candidate for IPL Photo Facial?
The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) procedure is ideal for addressing a variety of skincare needs, from facial redness and rosacea, to acne scars, sun damage, age spots and enlarged pores or blood vessels, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Not only the face, but also the neck and hands may be addressed. All of these unwanted blemishes are beautifully smoothed away with this gentle, non-ablative treatment. The number of sessions required numbers between 3 and 6, with 3-4 weeks in between. Those with severe sun damage may require higher session amounts for complete resolution.
Please note that those with dark complexions, or those who have undergone recent spray tanning, are not considered good candidates for IPL.
How does IPL work?
Unlike a laser that relies on a single wavelength of energy, the photofacial makes use of broad-spectrum light particles, which are able to target several different layers of skin for more comprehensive change. The light beams repair both the surface skin and the deeper dermis, all the while protecting undamaged cells. As the light gently flashes, the body’s natural collagen – that indispensible protein responsible for the skin’s resilience and youthfulness – is stimulated, resulting in a voluminous glow.
What can I expect from the procedure?
IPL photofacial treatment takes less than one hour and is considered painless, with most patients returning to work immediately afterward. Occasionally certain clients with very sensitive skin may feel a bit more and have more redness. At Defy, we utilize a zimmer chiller which cools the skin lending to a very comfortable treatment. In either case, the aesthetician will first apply a soothing gel to the facial area, which is geared towards ensuring your comfort and towards the protection of healthy skin cells.
Your practitioners will then administer the broad-spectrum light beams via a specially engineered handpiece that is designed to target your most damaged, compromised skin cells. Each time the light is pulsed, your skin receives deep, core nourishment and collagen expansion.
When will I see results?
With just one or two IPL treatments, you will start to notice dynamic transformation in your skin. Redness is minimized, pores take on a more conventional appearance, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced, and scars and sun damage begins to fade. The complexion looks revitalized and renewed, which is reflected in your rejuvenated spirit and increased self-confidence.